Source code for metatable.metatable

Table data structure that supports the introduction of user-defined workflow
combinators and the use of these combinators in concise workflow descriptions.
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, Union, Optional, Callable, Iterable
import doctest
import itertools
import symbolism

[docs]class metatable: """ Class for the extensible metatable data structure. :param iterable: Iterable of rows corresponding to the data in this instance. :param name: Instance name. :param header: Header row consisting of column names. >>> t = metatable([['a', 0], ['b', 1], ['c', 2]]) >>> list(iter(t)) [['a', 0], ['b', 1], ['c', 2]] All rows in an instance can be updated in-place using a symbolic representation of the transformation that must be applied to each row. >>> t = metatable([['char', 'num'], ['a', 0], ['b', 1]], header=True) >>> t.update({1: column(0)}) [['char', 'num'], ['a', 'a'], ['b', 'b']] Find more examples under the entries for the :obj:`update` and :obj:`update_filter` methods. """ @staticmethod def _eval(r: list, i: int, e: Union[column, type, symbolism.symbol]) -> Any: """ Evaluation of a symbolic expression that may contain references to specific attributes/columns of a row. """ if isinstance(e, column): index = e.evaluate() return r[index] if index < len(r) else None if e is row: return i if isinstance(e, symbolism.symbol): return \ e.evaluate() \ if len(e) == 0 else \ e.instance(*[metatable._eval(r, i, p) for p in e.parameters]) return e @staticmethod def _upd(update_filter_index_row: tuple) -> list: """ Internal method for the work to be completed for each row during an invocation of an update on the table. """ ((update, filter_, column_max), (index, row_)) = update_filter_index_row # Fill columns that are in the range but that have no expression # in the update tasks. for col in update: while col > len(row_) - 1: row_.append(None) drops = [] # Columns to drop once updates are evaluated. row__ = list(row_) # In strict mode, drop columns which do not appear in the update task. if column_max is not None: row__ = [v for (c, v) in enumerate(row__) if c <= column_max] for (col_, upd) in update.items(): if upd is not drop: row__[col_] = metatable._eval(row_, index, upd) else: drops.append(col_) # Apply filter first and then drop columns. if filter_ is None or metatable._eval(row__, index, filter_): row__ = [v for (c, v) in enumerate(row__) if c not in drops] # Drop columns. return [row__] # Row was filtered out. return [] def __init__( self: metatable, iterable: Iterable, name: Optional[str] = None, header: Optional[bool] = False ): """ Constructor for a table instance that draws data from an iterable. >>> t = metatable([['a', 0], ['b', 1], ['c', 2]]) >>> list(t) [['a', 0], ['b', 1], ['c', 2]] """ self.iterable = iterable = name self.header = header
[docs] def __iter__(self: metatable) -> Iterable: """ Return this instance as an iterable. >>> t = metatable([['a', 0], ['b', 1], ['c', 2]]) >>> list(iter(t)) [['a', 0], ['b', 1], ['c', 2]] """ for row_ in self.iterable: yield row_
[docs] def map( self: metatable, function: Callable, iterable: Iterable, progress: Callable ) -> Iterable: """ Internal method for mapping over the data in the table. This method can be redefined in derived classes to change how rows are processed (*e.g.*, to introduce multiprocessing). :param function: Function to apply to every item in the iterable. :param iterable: Iterable of items to which the function should be applied (this should normally be the instance itself). :param progress: Function that returns its iterable input and reports progress. >>> t = metatable([['a', 0], ['b', 1], ['c', 2]]) >>> list( row: [[row[1], row[0]]], t, lambda _: _)) [[0, 'a'], [1, 'b'], [2, 'c']] """ return (row for rows in progress(map(function, iterable)) for row in rows)
[docs] def update_filter( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments self: metatable, update: symbolism.symbol, filter: symbolism.symbol, # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin header: Optional[list] = None, strict: Optional[bool] = False, progress: Optional[Callable] = (lambda *a, **ka: a[0]) ) -> list: """ Perform update-then-filter operations across the entire table, based on symbolic expressions for the update and filter task(s). The result of the operation is returned. :param update: Symbolic expression that represents an update operation (to be applied to every row). :param filter: Symbolic expression that represents a filter predicate (to be tested for every row). :param header: Header row for the overall result of this method. :param strict: Drop columns that do not explicitly appear in the update expression. :param progress: Function that returns its iterable input and reports progress. >>> t = metatable([['a', 0], ['b', 1], ['c', 2]]) >>> t.update_filter({0: column(1)}, column(1) > symbolism.symbol(0)) [[1, 1], [2, 2]] This instance is modified in-place, so iterating over it again yields the updated version. >>> list(t) [[1, 1], [2, 2]] This method can be used in combination with the :obj:`row` class to introduce the row index into a column during the update. >>> t = metatable([['a'], ['b'], ['c']]) >>> t.update_filter({3: row}, column(3) < 2) [['a', None, None, 0], ['b', None, None, 1]] >>> list(t) [['a', None, None, 0], ['b', None, None, 1]] """ (rows_in, rows_out) = (iter(self), []) # If the update task is a list (representing the operation that yields # each column starting from the left-most one), convert it into a dictionary. update = dict(enumerate(update)) if isinstance(update, (tuple, list)) else update # Determine the column with the highest index in the update task. column_max = max(update.keys()) # Update the header row if it exists and no replacement header is specified. if self.header and header is None: for row_ in rows_in: # Fill columns that are in the range but that have no expression # in the update tasks. for col in update: while col > len(row_) - 1: row_.append(None) # In strict mode, drop columns which do not appear in the update task. if strict: row_ = [v for (c, v) in enumerate(row_) if c <= column_max] # Drop columns in header as indicated in update specification. drops = [col_ for (col_, upd) in update.items() if upd is drop] row_ = [v for (c, v) in enumerate(row_) if c not in drops] # Add only this header row. rows_out.append(row_) break elif self.header and header is not None: # A replacement header has been specified. rows_in = itertools.islice(rows_in, 1, None) # Skip the old header row. rows_out.append(header) rows_out.extend( metatable._upd, zip( itertools.repeat((update, filter, column_max if strict else None)), enumerate(rows_in) ), progress )) self.iterable = rows_out return rows_out
[docs] def update( self: metatable, update: symbolism.symbol, header: Optional[list] = None, strict: Optional[bool] = False, progress: Optional[Callable] = (lambda *a, **ka: a[0]) ) -> list: """ Update operation across the entire table, based on a symbolic expression for the update task(s). :param update: Symbolic expression that represents an update operation (to be applied to every row). :param header: Header row for the overall result of this method. :param strict: Drop columns that do not explicitly appear in the update expression. :param progress: Function that returns its iterable input and reports progress. >>> t = metatable([['a', 0], ['b', 1], ['c', 2]]) >>> t.update({0: column(1)}) # Replace first-column value with second-column value. [[0, 0], [1, 1], [2, 2]] >>> list(t) [[0, 0], [1, 1], [2, 2]] If a header row is present (and should be preserved when performing the update), this can be indicated using the ``header`` argument. >>> t = metatable([['char', 'num'], ['a', 0], ['b', 1]], header=True) >>> t.update({1: column(0)}) [['char', 'num'], ['a', 'a'], ['b', 'b']] This method can be used in combination with the :obj:`drop` class in order to indicate that a column should be dropped during the update. >>> t.update({0: drop}) [['num'], ['a'], ['b']] >>> t.update({0: drop}) [[], [], []] >>> t = metatable([['a', 0, True], ['b', 1, True], ['c', 2, False]]) >>> t.update([column(1), column(0), drop]) [[0, 'a'], [1, 'b'], [2, 'c']] If the ``strict`` argument is assigned the value ``True``, then columns that do not explicitly appear in the update task specification are dropped. >>> t = metatable([['c', 'n', 'b'], ['a', 0, True], ['b', 1, True]], header=True) >>> t.update([column(1), column(0)], strict=True, header=['n', 'c']) [['n', 'c'], [0, 'a'], [1, 'b']] >>> t.update([column(1)], strict=True) [['n'], ['a'], ['b']] >>> t.update([column(0)], strict=True, header=['c']) [['c'], ['a'], ['b']] >>> t.update({2: 'x'}) [['c', None, None], ['a', None, 'x'], ['b', None, 'x']] Other common operations (such as the functions pre-defined within the `symbolism <>`__ library) can be used to introduce a new computed column (in which the entry for that column in every row is computed using zero or more of the values from that row found in the existing columns). >>> t = metatable([['a', 0], ['b'], ['c', 2]]) >>> t.update({2: symbolism.is_(column(1), None)}) [['a', 0, False], ['b', None, True], ['c', 2, False]] """ return self.update_filter(update, None, header, strict, progress)
[docs]class row: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """ Symbolic representation of a row index (for use with methods such as :obj:`metatable.update`). >>> t = metatable([['a'], ['b'], ['c']]) >>> t.update_filter({3: row}, column(3) < 2) [['a', None, None, 0], ['b', None, None, 1]] """
[docs]class drop: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """ Symbolic representation of a column drop operation (for use with methods such as :obj:`metatable.update`). >>> t = metatable([['char', 'num'], ['a', 0], ['b', 1]], header=True) >>> t.update({1: column(0)}) [['char', 'num'], ['a', 'a'], ['b', 'b']] >>> t.update({0: drop}) [['num'], ['a'], ['b']] """
[docs]class column(symbolism.symbol): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """ Symbolic representation of a column specifier, such as a numerical index or an attribute name (for use with methods such as :obj:`metatable.update`). >>> t = metatable([['a', 0], ['b', 1], ['c', 2]]) >>> t.update_filter({0: column(1)}, column(1) > symbolism.symbol(0)) [[1, 1], [2, 2]] """
if __name__ == '__main__': doctest.testmod() # pragma: no cover